Volunteer Opportunities

Pastor: Larry Chesser Jr.

Volunteer Ministry Roles

Volunteering is a means of discipleship.  A disciple knows Christ, is growing in Christ, serving Christ, and sharing Christ. As a disciple, we are growing in Christ while serving Christ and Sharing Christ.  Are you unsure of where you could be a volunteer in the church serving Christ and sharing Christ? Please contact Pastor Larry to share your desire to disciple through volunteering.  Below is a list of current or developing areas in the church that utilize volunteers to create successful ministries:

  • Children’s Ministry
  • Student Ministry
  • Special Needs Ministry (persons with different abilities)
  • Adult Ministries – men’s and women’s, single and married, divorced and widowed 
  • Administrative Support – building maintenance, financial, landscaping, marketing, etc.
  • Outreach – missions in the community and beyond.
  • Congregation Support – event planning (funeral meals, showers, and weddings), greeters, ushers, welcome center staff
  • Support Staff – worship team, audiovisual team, videography team, prayer team, and transportation volunteers